We all know how hard it is to resign from a job, not because leaving the job is going to cause you financial problems, but mostly because you do not know how to resign from a job or the proper way of going about it. Turning in your resignation letter is one of the hardest things in life even if you despise your co-workers, your superiors, your work environment and your job. Sometimes people resign because they find out or deduce that they are about to be fired. Even then the employee has to find a tactical way of resigning so that they can do what is best for themselves and for their self-respect.

Part 1: Things to Confirm Before Your Resignation

When you are trying to figure out how to resign from a job, here are some things to confirm. Before you hand in your resignation letter, your basic priority is to allow yourself to be graceful and to retain your self-respect in the company. Make sure that you act as professionally as possible in the resigning process. In addition, you also have to keep in mind to give advance notice to your employer and write a formal letter of resignation. You have to ensure that you have a secure financial future and another job before you submit your resignation letter. Moving on is also an important part of resigning from the company, which is actually harder than you think as your entire work environment changes.

Faced with such a situation, you must keep a few things in mind while submitting your resignation letter to the company you have been working for:

What have you gotten out of the firm you have worked for after all these years? What have you retained so far from the job you are presently at?

Have you exhausted all opportunities and pursued all possibilities and avenues when you thought about resigning? Are there any opportunities of advancement that you have not taken advantage of at this particular firm?

Have you completely made up your mind? Are you going to be doubtful or are you going to have second thoughts? Never go back on a decision that has been taken and is already underway, so think it through and then make up your mind properly.

 Just as we make a pros and cons list of something unsure, make a list of reasons as to why you are thinking of leaving and how it will end up benefitting you in the future. Try to make the list elaborate because once you have decided you will not be able to take a step back without undermining your position at the company. The firm needs a team player, not someone who is only concerned about his own career instead of the firm's when it comes to taking important decisions like this.

If your present firm offers you a high raise in salary will you still leave or will you stay instead? Or if your present firm offers you a promotion in the company will you still leave or will you stay instead?

 At what point of your career are you right now? How is it going and is your career really moving forward or is it at a standstill? Are you still learning? You can talk to your superiors about these issues and then make an informed decision. The right people to talk to would be your boss or your HR manager. Trustworthy colleagues can also give you sound advice.

How much better off will you be at your new job? Think this through in terms of personal development, location, finances, duties, advancements in your line of work and other such factors.

What do you really want to do? What does your heart say about it?

Part 2: How to Resign from a Job

There are 8 ways you can graciously quit your job in a polite and proper manner. Handing in your resignation letter is never easy but you can ensure that the process goes smoothly by keeping these 8 points in mind and by following them:

Give an advance notice

Make sure to give your employers at least a month’s worth of notice so that they have time to make the proper and necessary arrangements. It also shows that you care about the company and that you do not want to put them in any troublesome situation.


Notify your boss and talk to him/her face to face

This makes a great difference because it shows that you respect your superiors enough to notify them about your departure in person. You can explain your reasons without causing any kind of misunderstanding.


Do not get emotional

If you have had trouble in the past, then be the bigger person and avoid an emotional outburst. You are leaving and nothing can be done to set old grievances right. Do not rehash past misunderstandings and be polite and gracious. Make sure that you leave a good impression behind and do not misbehave with your colleagues just because you are leaving the company.


You are not obligated to explain your reasons

You do not owe your company the explanation of the exact reasons as to why you are leaving. You can tell them that the move is good for you and that you want to grow as a person and be vague about it but you are not obligated to explain each and every thing.


Take care of your employer

You have worked for them so it is best not leave them in a bind. If they are having trouble finding someone who will replace you, then you might have to stay longer than you anticipated.


Keep your colleagues involved

If you are on good terms with your colleagues then it is best to keep them involved. This does not mean you do that every step of the way but you have to keep them in the loop somewhat.


Show gratitude

Be thankful and polite to the people you are leaving behind. In one way or another they have played a part in your success.

Part 3: Dos and Don’ts in Resignation

In addition to the above thing, here are some dos and don'ts you should know, when you thinking about how to resign from a job.

Do clean up the computer. Before you hand in your letter, clean up the computer. Things could go either way and you might be asked to leave right away. Prepare for a worst case scenario and clean up your files.

Don’t document your complaint. Your resignation letter might come up at some point in your career so do not put down petty things or complaints in writing. It will be added to your file and will be available for people to see.

Do write a resignation letter. Even if you resign in person or via email put it down in writing. Write a formal resignation letter stating that you will be leaving the company.

Do give ample notice. Do not put your employer in a tight spot. Accommodate them and give them due notice.

Do get the details. You need to know how much salary you will be getting and what the procedure is and what documents need to be processed. Do not leave anything unattended.

Don’t be negative. A negative attitude will not take you anywhere. Be positive and your career will definitely flourish.

Don’t brag about your new job. When people do that they come off as arrogant and boastful, so don’t ever brag in front of your colleagues about the perks you are getting at the new job. Be modest and humble.

Do ask for a reference. This will be extremely helpful in your future career.


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