Unlike normal blisters that are filled with a clear fluid, blood blisters are actually filled with blood that look like little, red colored circles on your skin. There are a variety of different causes including an intense force suddenly being felt by the body like pinching, burning your skin, or excessive friction on a particular part of your body. Blood blisters will most commonly appear on the feet or hands. Learn how to get rid of a blood blister with simple remedies to prevent infection.

How to Get Rid of Blood Blisters

While most blood blisters heal on their own, home treatments can maybe help decrease pain, help prevent infections, and also heal larger blood blisters. Getting rid of blood blisters may seem like it would be difficult, but provided below are some tips on how to treat blood blisters.

Small Blood Blisters

An unbroken blood blister is about the size of a pea, and typically blood blisters of this small size will heal on their own. To protect the blister, you can wrap a bandage loosely around the blood blister and also avoid activities that may be the cause of the blister. If the blood blister is on the bottom of your foot or other areas with friction, protect it with doughnut-shaped moleskin pad and leave the blister area open.


Large Blood Blisters

If the blood blister that you have is large and painful, it may be best to drain it. To get rid of the blood blister safely, you will first need to wipe a needle or straight pin with rubbing alcohol and then very gently poke the edge of the blood blister. Then, you will need to press the fluid in the blood blister toward the hole that you poked so that it will drain out. To be on the safe side, you may want to get it medically drained.

Warning: Do not drain a blister of any size if you have: diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease. If you drain the blood blister and have one of the previously mentioned conditions, then you will heighten your risk for infection. Popping a blood blister caused by infections like chickenpox can spread the virus from person to person.



In order to get rid of a blood blister with ice, you will need to create an ice compress or ice wrap. All you have to do is grab some ice cubes, put the ice into a towel or some kind of cloth, and apply the ice compress to the blood blister. This is a simple, but cold, way that you can get rid of blood blisters.


Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant contains ingredients that act as anti-inflammatory agents when applied to either a sunburn or, in this case, a blood blister. It will also cool off the heat that is coming from the blood blister. You can either use aloe vera gel or extract juices from fresh Aloe Vera plant.


Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel contains ingredients that will help reduce the pain you feel from the blood blister, as well as helping the blood blister dry out quite quickly. Dab a few drops of witch hazel and let it dry. Do this four times a day for about 10 days and you'll see results.



Cucumbers contain an ingredient that helps strengthen the skin, so when you apply cucumber slices to or around your blood blister, you are reducing the swelling and inflammation. Chill the cucumber and slice it into pieces. Apply the slice onto the blister and let it stay for several minutes. Do this a few times a day for a few day consecutively.


Tea Tree Oil

Various medicinal properties of this oil helps a lot in removing blood blisters. The antiseptic and antifungal properties of the oil helps in drying out the blisters. Mix tea tree oil and water, apply on the blood blister for about 10 minutes and then wash away with cool water. You can do this a few times a day and note that breastfeeding and pregnant women should avoid this.


Alleviating Pressure

If it is possible, remove all pressure that you may be placing on the blood blister and allow the blister to heal itself. If you have a blood blister on top of your toe, then wear open-toed shoes when you go out. By simply just taking away all of the pressure you are placing on the blood blister, you are decreasing the risk of infection.

Watch Out for Infection

Once you drain a blister, you will need to watch out for the hole that you poked because an infection can seep through into the blood blister.
  • Make sure you wash the area with soap and water (alcohol, iodine, or any other cleanser should be avoided).

  • Make sure to apply an antibiotic ointment and a clean bandage. 

  • You will need to change the bandage at least once a day, and also anytime it gets wet or dirty. 

  • Remove it at night to let the area dry out because this is one way to get rid of a blood blister quickly.

If you are experiencing pain, swelling, redness and warmth in the area, red streaks extending away from the blister, extra drainage of pus, or you have a fever, make sure to seek out your doctor’s help and answers on how to successfully get rid of a blood blister.


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